West Harlem Residence
Since 2009, the West Harlem Residence (WHR) has welcomed homeless families to its safe and nurturing transitional, housing facility. The facility consists of 45 units, which provide transitional housing for a beautiful mosaic of families – parents/guardians and their children.
WHR serves families who, on average, secure permanent housing within nine months to a year. To meet this ambitious goal, we work around the clock with community partners that include the New York City Department of Homeless Services (DHS), our local churches and supportive community-based organizations to help families secure employment and permanent housing.

Our Approach:
We are a welcoming staff that treats every WHR family like our own. It takes a village to support a family. After we meet our families and introduce them to the living guidelines, we immediately orchestrate individual living plans which guide them on the path to independent and sustainable living.
Each family is paired with a caseworker who assesses the needs and barriers that may have contributed to a family’s loss of housing. Some families are struggling with unemployment. Some parents are fleeing abusive relationships. For some, current living arrangements no longer accommodate a growing family. A family may be in need of a housing assistance voucher to supplement their rent while others may be chronically homeless, navigating shelter after shelter. No matter the circumstance, we understand that families are in a tough position and the plethora of services provided by WHGA, our parent company, will help to get them on their feet.
Stability is what every one of our families deserves. We work with brokers, realtors and management companies who survey New York City for vacant apartments and assist us in linking our families to permanency. While our Social service team generates a working plan to get families into permanent housing, much of our job is to ensure the continuity of life for families remains the same. We collaborate with the Department of Education (DOE) to assist parents in enrolling, assessing or maintaining their children’s educational goals. The DOE also provides school bussing assistance or MetroCards for the parents to ensure they are able to transport their children to and from school.